Azalea Blaauw’s Pink is a hybrid deciduous shrub in the Rhododendron genus, typically featuring soft, pale pink flowers with a delicate white throat that blooms in dense clusters. The shrub has a compact, rounded form and dark green, glossy foliage that provides year-round visual interest. The plant’s blooming period is concentrated in mid to late spring, typically from April to May, creating a stunning floral display that adds color to shady garden areas.
This azalea is especially popular for use in both formal and informal garden designs. Whether planted along shaded garden edges, used as a low hedge, or incorporated into a woodland garden, it provides a vibrant, yet understated beauty.
We offer Blaauw's Pink 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
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Add beauty to your garden with the Delaware Valley White Azalea. This evergreen shrub features pure white flowers that bloom in mid to late spring, paired with dark green foliage year-round. Growing 3-4 feet tall and 4-5 feet wide, it's perfect for borders, hedges, or as a focal point in your landscape.
Easy to grow in partial shade and acidic, well-drained soil, this plant attracts butterflies and thrives in USDA zones 6-9. The Delaware Valley White Azalea is a beautiful, low-maintenance addition to any garden.
We offer Delaware Valley White 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]Double rose-red blooms cover the shrub in a profusion of color in late spring. Dense, broadly rounded evergreen shrub with large, glossy green foliage. The leaves take on a Mahogany color in the fall and winter. An excellent choice for a showy border or accent planting. Makes a great companion plant for Japanese Maples.
We offer Christina 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]Clusters of outstanding clear white flowers with cream centers emerge among dark green glossy foliage in late spring. This compact, vigorous, grower extends the azalea flowering season. The leaves retain a nice green color into winter. Excellent as a foundation plant, showy accent, or low hedge.
We offer Pleasant White 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]Brilliant glowing pink flowers in spring. Excellent evergreen shrub with a dense growth habit. Glossy, dark green foliage turns a dark burgundy color in winter. This azalea is valued for its adaptability to colder climates. Outstanding foundation plant or as a medium height hedge.
We offer Renee Michelle 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
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Vivid single orange-red flowers put on a showy display on this dense, rounded evergreen in the spring. The dark green summer foliage becomes a wine red in the winter adding seasonal interest. Makes a classy hedge or specimen plant in any landscape.
We offer Stewartstonian 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]This slow growing evergreen azalea stays compact, growing 15" high and spreads to 34" wide in 10 years. Pleasant to the eye, a perfect choice for brightening a partly shaded patio or walkway.
We offer the Dorothy Hayden, 18" to 24", in a 5 gallon container.
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Large eye catching hot pink blooms emerge in later spring. This slow growing dwarf has nice dark green leaves throughout the summer. Ideal for foundation, mass planting or as a border for gardens or sidewalks.
We offer Kaempo 15" to 18" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]Masses of large deep red ruffled blooms make a colorful display in mid spring on this hardy, densely branched evergreen shrub. Excellent for brightening a shady location with its long lasting spring color. Dark green small glossy leaves in summer turns to a tinge of burgundy red color in the fall and winter.
We offer Johanna 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
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Coral, orange-red to rose color blossoms cover the entire plant in a dense profusion of color in mid-season. A spreading, semi-dwarf shrub with dark green attractive foliage that becomes burgundy in the fall. Plant as a border or small hedge or single specimen.
We offer Fashion 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]The Wintergreen boxwood is a densely branched upright evergreen that offers a gracious landscaping form. It produces lettuce green spring foliage that turns a deeper green in summer. The tips of the leaves turn a slight bronze color during the winter. Ideal selection for low hedge or shrub border. Responds well to pruning and shearing. A good deer resistant shrub.
We offer Wintergreen 12" to 15" in a 3 gallon container.
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Stunning golden, threadlike branches are the trademark of this evergreen shrub. The cascading nature of the branches also adds an air of elegance to any mixed border. Easy to grow and adapts to most locations.
We offer the Gold Mop 18" in a 3 gallon container.
[More Info]Round and compact form, this hybrid offers lustrous dark green leathery leaves along purplish stem. Needs little or no pruning makes it a virtually maintenance free shrub. Used as foundation, borders and hedge planting.
We offer Bennett's Compacta 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]A low growing handsome shrub with dark green lustrous foliage. The growth habit is dense and mounding with a wider spread. The Green Lustre is hardier than many Japanese hollies. Small flowers are inconspicuous followed by black fruit in winter. A great shrub for foundation planting a small hedge or mass planting.
We offer Green Lustre 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]A low growing dense, mounding and compact evergreen with excellent dark green shiny flat leaves. Grows twice as wide as it does tall and does well in full sun or partial shade. Little or no pruning is need making this a maintenance free plant. A good foundation plant or border hedge.
We offer Hoogendorn 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]Lustrous dark green leaves on this upright densely branched form give it a pleasant formal appearance in the garden. Small white flowers in spring followed by black fruit in fall and winter. Excellent for smaller spaces, narrow hedge or as container specimen.
We offer the Sky Pencil 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
We also offer the Sky Pencil 3' to 4' in a 7 gallon container.
[More Info]A delicate dense, low compact, mounding shrub with a dark green foilage that is soft to the touch. This is a great plant that could be used to replace Helleri. It is drought tolerant, adapts to many soil conditions and is cold hardier than the Helleri. Little or no maintenance makes it an excellent choice for foundation, borders, or where a small hedge is needed.
We offer the Soft Touch 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]A vigorous, upright pyramidal shrub with lustrous dark green, flat leaves. Does well in full sun or partial shade. Needs winter protection in colder climates. Excellent as an accent, single specimen or used as a medium height hedge.
We offer the Steeds 30" to 36" in a 7 gallon container.
[More Info]Low growing and trailing habit this juniper sports ocean blue-green foliage that keeps its color well in colder weather. Drought, heat, and cold tolerant once established in the landscape. Adaptable to a wide range of soil conditions. Used as foundation planting, around taller shrubs or trees, hillside groundcover and seashore.
We offer the Blue Pacific 15" to 18" in a 3 gallon container.
[More Info]Very flat growing form with trailing silver-blue branches that take on a light purplish color in winter. Drought, heat, and cold tolerant once established in the landscape. Very adaptable to a wide range of soil conditions. Used to cover vast areas, trail walls and cover hill sides. Great plant for controlling erosion.
We offer Blue Rug 15" to 18" in a 3 gallon container.
[More Info]This beautiful dwarf Japanese garden juniper has a slightly mounding habit, long wide-spreading stiff branches that hug the ground. The tiny needle like foliage is a blue-green color in summer changing to green-purplish in winter. Drought, heat, and cold tolerant once established. Adapts to a wide range of soil conditions. Excellent ground cover in beds that have full sun exposure, hillside planting makes this a good choice for erosion control.
We offer procumbans Nana 15" to 18" in a 3 gallon container.
[More Info]Nice blue tinted foliage on this dense, low growing rounded evergreen. This juniper is slow growing and does not develop a central leader thus keeping it nice and dense. Adapts to a wide variety of soil conditions.
We offer Blue Star 12" to 15" in a 3 gallon container.
[More Info]The Goshiki is quite the showy plant with its multitude of colors and provides year round interest. It does perform best in the partial shade.
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A strong growing compact shrub that blooms heavy with dark red buds that open to pale pink. Its new foliage is reddish changing to medium green in summer. Excellent as a focal point in any landscape or can be planted as a small growing hedge. This vigorous grower is one of the nicest forms available.
We offer Dorothy Wycoff 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
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A very compact plant with an upright rounded growth habit best known for setting its flower buds later in the season. Heavy clusters of white flowers cascade over the entire plant in spring. A great performer in the landscape as a single specimen or small hedge. A low maintenance shrub that is easy to keep at its desired height.
We offer Historyland Supreme 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]Clusters of white fragrant flowers emerge in spring against dark green foliage. Flowers give way to black fruit in late summer and fall. One of the best cold hardy forms, tolerates shade and salt.
We offer Schipkaensis 24" plus in a 6 gallon container.
[More Info]Vigorous, compact, upright plant with light lavender-rose blooms, brown blotches on the dorsal petal. Large foliage, good growing habit and performs reliably in blazing sun and high humidity. Ideal used as foundation, hedge or mass planting. Blooms in May.
We offer English Roseum 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]The Minnetonka is a hybrid Rhododendrom that offers evergreen foilage throughout the year. Clusters of lavendar-pink blossoms with orange and yellow spots on the lobes adorn this shrub from late spring into summer. This plant is slow growing, but stays compact and is ideal for smaller gardens in containers and informal hedges.
[More Info]Abundant red blooms with a touch of lavender and brown blotches against a back ground of dark green broad leaves. Excellent used as a foundation plant, accent, natural setting and mass planting.
We offer Nova Zembla 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
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Vigorous upright plant with broad dark green glossy foliage and clear violet flowers with dark blotches. A fine compact shape, adapts to unfriendly climate conditions. Ideal as an accent, specimen or border planting.
We offer Purpureum Elegans 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]A favorite among the Rhododendron varieties. Lilac pink blooms in late May with olive green foliage. A vigorous upright spreading shrub prefers partial shade and well-drained soil. Use as a specimen, or as an accent in borders.
We offer Roseum Elegans 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]Rounded evergreen shrub with dark green foliage. Clear pale pink flowers with light brown blotches burst forth in late May. Ideal for hedge, accent plant or in natural setting.
We offer Roseum Pink 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]A vigorous growing evergreen with deep green foliage and long lasting lilac flower and yellow-red blotches. Blooms in late May. Thrives in moist, well drained acidic soil. Ideal in mass planting, natural settings and foundation planting.
We offer Grandiflorum 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
[More Info]Nice glossy green foliage is the backdrop for deep purple tight trusses of flowers with crimson-violet blotches. Dense and upright this Rhododendron tolerates full sun well but should be protected in hotter climates. One of the best rhododendrons varieties available. Thrives in moist, well drained acidic soil. Ideal for borders, natural settings or as a single specimen.
We offer Anah Kruschke 18" to 24" in a 5 gallon container.
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