Categories: Fruit
A old variety with apples great for snacking or cooking. Crisp, juicy, and sweetly tart. Ripens in mid to late summer. Grafted on semi-dwarf rootstock for a medium sized tree.
GROWN SAFE™, For your safety and peace of mind, we give you our word that for at least the past twelve months the only pest controls used on our fruit and berries are those listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMR) for organic fruit and berry production.
Fruit trees are no longer just for the orchard, consider incorporating them in your landscape. Not only do you have a flowering tree in the spring but the benefit of home grown fruit in late summer and fall.
As our world is changing so are we. Gardens have always been in two categories, one for food the other for beauty. More and more these categories are becoming one. Landscaping with edible plants is becoming increasingly popular. Not only is there beauty but there is an added benefit of healthy homegrown items. Apartment living can also benefit from smaller plants from vegetables and blueberries to strawberry and everything in between can be grown in pots on patios or balconies. The fruit trees we offer are semi-dwarf.
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