Categories: Fruit
This vigorous grower, brings forth perfectly white bell shaped flowers in the spring. Abundant large light blue, sweet and firm fruit in mid July to early August. This is the leading commercial blueberry variety in North America. Good eaten fresh, cooking, jellies and jams and freezing. More drought resistant and cold-hardy than most other varieties. Dark green leaves turn a bright red in the fall followed by bright red stems in the winter.
We offer Bluecrop 24"+ in a 5 gallon container.
GROWN SAFE™, For your safety and peace of mind, we give you our word that for at least the past twelve months the only pest controls used on our fruit and berries are those listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMR) for organic fruit and berry production.
Fertilize in the spring after blooming with a fertilizer for acid-loving plants.
The blueberry is prized for its sweet to tart edible fruits. Referred to as a “super fruit” the blueberry provides a source of amazing health benefits. The perfect snack, blueberries are packed with vitamins A, C, iron, potassium, phosphorus and just 80 calories with 4 grams of fiber per cup. Early to mid-spring bell-shaped creamy white flower give way to frosty, sky blue berries that start to ripen in June, July and August with the later blooming varieties lasting into September. They will fruit on their own each year but planting a different variety with the same bloom time will greatly enhance berry production. Grows well when planted in highly acidic, well drained but moist soils. Does well in sun or partial shade and can be grown in a container on small patio and balconies. The blueberry is a deciduous plant that has year round interest. Winter stems can be a bright red, orange or yellow. We grow the Northern High bush varieties.
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